Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our Speeches

We have been working hard on speeches this term. We have written several so far, these speeches are about things we are passionate about. We hope you enjoy them as we share our passions.

Here are speeches from Year 4 students; Sarah, Jacob, Jilun,Joseph, Ryan and Mackenzie.

Some more Year 4 students; Josh, Caleb, Zak, AJ, Tom and India.

Now for our Year 3 students; Kyle, Brooke, Sam, Laelani, Ryan and William.

And lucky last are Year 3 students; Arwen, Jack, Bailey, Lewis and Joshua.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Drama time.

Room 13 did some drama with Mrs A and we had to act as a character. First we had to draw our character who was a superhero or a villain. We could make up our own. We had to act out their special powers, we had to guess each others special names.

Reporters: Arwen and Ryan

Friday, June 17, 2011


Well done to this weeks superspellers who learnt all of their spellings and remembered them on the day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We do the reading box blue after play time. Zak is on amber and reads the card and writes the answer on the sheet but you are not  allowed to write on the card's at all times.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Premiere of The Iron Man

We will be having screenings of our film all of this week after school, subject to demand! No tickets required, popcorn welcome! Just drop in after class and grab a chair.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bee day

Fresh honey
Mr Sweney  came into school and showed us bee stuff. We got to stir some honey in a big container. Mr A got some honey so did Tom. Tom won the honey by telling Mr Sweney the maori name for NZ. We  saw how the bee hive stacked together. We got to hold the honey comb and it was heavy. It had a queen bee cell stuck to it. There was bits of honey cone in the honey. There was a bee flying aroud in room 6.We got to taste some honey. We stirred some honey in the big container it had bee leg and arms. Mr Sweney poured some honey into the little container.

A BIG thanks toMr Sweney for sharing.

Reporters: Lewis and India.
I like the library so much because we get to choose what we want to read .
We can only get out two books. if we let a book stay at home too long our parents will  have to pay A LOT of money. We get to choose choice reading books. At the back of the book there is a barcode the
libarian stamps.

Reporting and Pictures: Tom

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where would we like to visit?

We had to choose a brochure that had pictures of the place we would like to go. The brochures showed us things that we would like to do there and looked fun. Some of the places looked spectacular!
Reporter: Brooke Mackenzie

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Practising our speeches

This is when Josh is practising his speech.
Josh's speech was about soccer.
Josh really like's soccer, he enjoys soccer too.
Josh's speech was interesting.
Report by Jilun.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SmokeFree School

Our seniors have been raising awareness for National Smokefree day on Monday. Mrs O'Carroll has been organising activities at lunchtimes to spread the message in a fun way to all members of our school.