Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Measuring in metres

 Last Friday we went into the playground with Mrs Allerston to measure the width , height and length of the playground equipment.
"We had to look at the tape measure really well to get it right," said Kalani and Blossom.
Measure twice, cut once! - "Measure carefully so we get it right," says Holly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A once in a lifetime event, or maybe not?

Last week Mrs Arkless came to visit our classroom with some special news. The planet Venus was passing in between our planet and the sun, this will not happen again for over a hundred years! We had to use special safety glasses with very dark lenses to look at the sun safely. NEVER look at the sune with only your eyes, they will be damaged.We wondered if any of us would be alive when this happens again and whether we would remember today!

Snow Fun

We had a decent fall of snow last week so everyone got wrapped up and we went outside for a snowball fight. We also made some snow angels and look at ice crystals. Did you know that no two snowflakes are the same, they all have 6 sides or points but are all unique, just like us.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reading online

We have just taken a year subscription to trial Sunshineonline, a reading resource with heaps of multimedia books and activities. When the headphones arrived we were the first class to try them out.